Alligator Weed
1. Displacement of native vegetation
2. Disruption of navigation and recreation by the formation of impenetrable mats
3. Decreased water flow and uptake for agricultural, municipal, and industrial purposes
4. Expansion of human health risks with increases in mosquito breeding habitats
Eurasian Water Milfoil
1. Changes natural oxygen and thermal stratification patterns
2. Reduces circulation, creating problems with dissolved oxygen and bacteria
3. Disrupts recreational uses
4. Reduces in-lake biodiversity
5. Provides poor fish and wildlife habitat
Giant Salvinia
1. Giant salvinia can double in size in 4 to 10 days under good conditions.
2. Giant salvinia is an aggressive invader species.
4. If colonies of giant salvinia cover the surface of the water, then oxygen depletions and fish kills can occur.